A partir do ano lectivo de 2010/11 (e durante um período de cinco anos), o Mestrado em Estudos Alemães da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto será considerado um curso de excelência – um "Erasmus Mundus Master Course (EMMC)". Durante esse período o Curso de Mestrado em Estudos Alemães, integrado no novo Erasmus Mundus Master Course "GLITEMA - German Literature in the European Middle Ages", terá um apoio financeiro da Comissão Europeia.
O consórcio deste EMMC, coordenado pela Universidade do Porto, com as Universidades de Bremen e de Palermo (e com os parceiros associados – as Universidades de Amesterdão, Berlim e Greifswald, Ljubljana, Moscovo [Lomonosov], North Carolina, Santiago de Compostela e Zurique), atribuirá anualmente bolsas (de dois anos - até 24.000 € / ano) a estudantes (da UE e de fora da UE) que frequentem o Curso e bolsas (de três meses) a investigadores de países fora da UE que trabalhem na área científica do Curso.
Trata-se do primeiro Erasmus Mundus Master Course da área das humanidades a ser coordenado por uma universidade portuguesa; também é o primeiro EMMC (de sempre) na área específica da germanística ou dos estudos medievais.
As condições de acesso do novo EMMC para estudantes de fora da UE serão publicadas a partir de Setembro de 2009.
Coordenador do Curso: John Greenfield (contacto: jgreenfi@letras.up.pt)
Resumo do Projecto
Erasmus Mundus Master Course: GLITEMA - German Literature in the European Middle Ages
159452 – 1 – 2009 – PT – ERA – MUNDUS – EMMC
In the framework of this Programme, the Universities of Porto (Coordinator), Bremen and Palermo will implement a 2 year 120 ECTS Double Degree EMMC in German Literature in the European Middle Ages (GLITEMA) which, following a wide-ranging needs analysis, will attempt to meet the demands of students and employers in both the EU and third countries by building on the experience already gained within ongoing, trans-national post-graduate study projects in the field and by synergizing the academic competences at the three GLITEMA EMMC partner universities.
This conceptually innovative EMMC will: a) emphasize the pre-national nature of German Medieval Studies, analysing them from within their European context; b) use the potentialities of trans-national student and staff mobility within the EU to underpin the European approach to this traditionally “national” subject.
The trans-nationally structured GLITEMA EMMC will deliver Double Degrees at any two of the three universities in the partnership by providing six different Course Trajectories: these Trajectories have been jointly designed taking into account the different academic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds of students from diverse EU and third country backgrounds and will offer these students a relevant set of learning outcomes, appropriate subject-related academic skills and intercultural and linguistic competences. All Trajectories foresee mandatory mobility periods at all partner HEIs with 85 ECTS being awarded at the HEI where the student starts the Degree and presents the Dissertation (and which is one of the partners to award the Double Degree), 30 ECTS at the second degree-awarding institution and 5 ECTS at the third partner HEI.
In order to implement the Degree and provide support to students and scholars attending it, the Consortium has designed a fair and transparent application, selection, admission and examination procedure and has in place comprehensive management and support mechanisms (with, among others, Steering and Admissions Committee, Secretariat and Student / Scholar welfare structures). In addition, external Evaluation and Sustainability Committees will monitor the quality of the GLITEMA EMMC and assure the continuation of the Course after Mundus funding ceases.
The project Consortium is supported by Associated Members (eight HEIs, five in the EU and three in third countries) and three trans-national organisations (two EU and one third country).